"I love your Yoga sessions. You lead me to focus on my body. Your unique approach allows all the stress and things that I am worrying about to just melt away. And I have the best night sleep of the week the night of our sessions."

"I joined Jacqueline’s facebook group and she explains everything so clearly without panic, stress or confusion. I scheduled a menopause consultation
and now I have a clear action plan of what to do to start getting control of my symptoms."
"I am so happy that I have you and that you are guiding me and supporting me through this time. I went to see my doctor and he just didn’t validate what I was experiencing. He didn’t give me any practical tips to help me. Just that it would eventually pass. That’s not helpful!"
"Jacqueline’s Menopause Program taught me what is really going on in my body. I never realized how everything is connected and how important hormonal balance is to my health. I feel so much more empowered now, more balanced, more energized, more connected to myself. I now know what I have to do to move forward without suffering."
"After working with Jacqueline I now realise that menopause is a journey, a process. It is a time for me to rediscover myself. The symptoms can be managed and treated. I can be empowered by this journey and not feel so confused."
"I wish I would have found you earlier.
I could have avoided years of suffering and not getting the answers to why I was feeling so out of balance. Now I know what is going on with me and what to do.
I can talk to my husband about it and explain to him why I have been so crazy. Thank you so much Jacqueline, you really saved me!!"
"I live a busy stressed life. I am a working mother and have an important role at work with a lot of responsibility. But I eat well, I exercise and I try to make time for going out with friends. I thought that was enough! Until participating in one of Jacqueline’s workshops I didn’t realise how important stress was as a trigger of hormonal imbalance. I now realise that even if it seems like I am doing all things right, the minute I let my stress overtake me I throws everything else out of balance. Without managing my stress I am going to make my menopause experience even worse – even if I think I am living a healthy life!"
"Your approach to yoga strengthens my body in a way that I am now able to go back into my mind and deal with the things that I have to do today."
"I have been so exhausted. I have brain fog, and can’t focus or concentrate at work. I have been putting on weight with no changes in what I eat. I have no motivation and no patience for my kids. I feel totally out of balance. Since working with Jacqueline I have much more energy, I can feel the concentration coming back and the brain fog lifting. I have also learnt how to create more balance in my life and focus on doing things that I enjoy. I didn’t realise how important having fun was!"
"Until I heard Jacqueline talking about boosting the “good hormones” I thought menopause was just about figuring out eostrogen and progestone. I am now focusing on having fun as much as possible whether it be with my partner, my kids or going out with friends. This small change has made such a difference to the way that I feel. I now have more energy, I have less mood swings, I feel lighter and l wake up feel happy and not sluggish. I love how Jacqueline makes things so simple and personalized to what I needed and what I could realistically do."